The Environmental Justice Ministry Team formally began in January of 2020. By choosing the name "Environmental Justice", we recognize the need for climate action as well as the need for intersectional action. A good summary of our mission is to "hold space for complex questions with profound impact—such as those about right eating—in hope and with commitment to action and relational integrity. We aim to balance ease of action and impact, community building and decision making, offering hope and creating motivation for change."
To read our Creation Justice Covenant click here.
Zoom meetings occur on a regular basis, if you would like to join the conversation please email office@ucclongmont.com to request the meeting date and link.
How We Built Our Community Garden!
Are you a church or organization thinking about building a community garden? Our Environmental Justice Ministry Team has created a brochure with information about how we built ours, and guidance for thinking through your project. We hope it's helpful, and that your garden is as much of a blessing to you as ours has been for us! Link to Brochure
Periodically the Environmental Justice Ministry will release an update of current projects, plans and general inspiration for developing a more balanced and environmentally friendly society. Take a look at the articles written by members of the ministry.
June 2022 article by Phyllis Rostykus: Why Hope is Important In Climate Change Discourse
October 2021 article by Mary Mayer: Is Treated Wastewater a Boon or a Risk for Local Sustainable Farming?
September 2021 article by Amelia Richardson Dress: Kiss the Ground - Summary
August 2021 article by Carol Matheis Kraft: Kiss the Ground: Regeneration of Creation
July 2021 article by Kristen Wolslegel: The Larger Impacts of Food Waste (And What You Can Do About It)
June 2021 article by Oriana Mishler: Why Dark Skies Matter
April 2021 article by Rev. Amelia Richardson Dress: Single Use Plastics and Your Oral Hygiene
March 2021 article by Carol Matheis-Kraft: R to the Fourth Power - My Road to Reuse, Recycle, Repurpose, Reduce
February 2021 article by Julie Nosek: Environmental Justice Ministry Books
Looking for something to read these winter days spending more time at home? Want to learn more about how you can be a part of the environmental justice movement? Here are some good titles from our church library for you!
If you would like to check out any of these titles, e-mail the office to have them delivered to your home.
January 2021 article by the Environmental Justice Ministry: On Saving the Birds
December 2020 article by Mary Mayer: Green Oatmeal??
While supporting your personal health by eating more whole grains, you can also take a small step to improve the health of our planet Earth by making whole grain oats your first choice. According to a recent report in the Union of Concerned Scientists magazine, oats are the most sustainably grown of the major grain crops in the U.S. Those crops are oats, corn, and wheat. Of these major crops, covering hundreds of thousands of acres across our country, oat agriculture requires the least fertilizer and the lowest pesticide use for successful production. Whole grain oats are also reported to contain almost twice as much vegetable protein as either whole grain wheat or corn. So, if you are helping to ‘green’ our planet by moving away from a meat diet, you can turn to oats for some of that extra protein you need and choosing organic foods as often as you can, helps those farmers who use that ‘green’, sustainable farming method to be profitable and to continue in their efforts to achieve environmentally sustainable agriculture. So, green bread? Green muffins? Yes! But whole grain organic oatmeal is the greenest of all!
November 2020 article by Christi Walker: Dear Fellow Earth Inhabitant
October 2020 article by Ori Mishler: October Inspiration from the Environmental Justice Ministry Team