What We Believe
Values Statements (Adopted May 5, 2002)
As we strive to meet our vision, we are guided by the following values.
1) We acknowledge that all people are the children of one God and are all related. Thus, we are more alike than we are different and we believe that it is more important to focus on our "sameness" than on our differences. Our relationship with each other is expressed in the following statement: "The honor of one is the honor of all. The hurt of one is the hurt of all."
2 ) We are open to, and affirming of, the presence of God in every person. In keeping with the life and teaching of Christ Jesus, we joyfully and unconditionally welcome all people of any age, gender, race, culture, ability, or sexual orientation into our community of faith and affirm the worth of all peoples as unique individuals made in God's image. We are open to the special gifts that each person brings and invite each one to participate in the life of our church.
3) We joyfully share the abundant gifts of time, talent and financial resources that God has given us. Realizing that all of these gifts are precious, we will use them wisely and responsibly in support of our mission and vision.
4) We minister to people of all ages and phases of life and faith.
5) We are committed to lay ministry. God speaks through each of us, not just those who have been ordained. Everyone is encouraged to share in lay ministries, regardless of age or faith journey.
6) We believe that involvement in dynamic, small group ministries is critical in building community within the congregation. Small, intimate and safe environments are where most individual transformation, conversion and leadership development occur.
7) We open ourselves to God through regular and faithful participation in worship.
8) We are advocates for social justice.
9) We recognize that our world has finite resources. If we foul the air, pollute the water or abuse the earth, all living beings will suffer. We will use resources knowing that future generations depend upon us.
10) We depend upon prayer for intercession, inspiration and guidance in our lives. This is especially important as we seek to do God's work through this church.
11) We believe that God's revelations are on-going; therefore we are open to and embrace change.
12) We are committed to growing our community of faith and spreading the good news of the Gospel
13) We value forgiveness as an acknowledgment of our human condition and as the first step in the aling of relationships. We forgive because, through the grace of God, we have been forgiven.
14) We believe that we are called to pass on the traditions, teachings and stories of our faith to people of all ages.